WOOL ROCKS!.... Making soft rocks from wool wrapped stones...wonderful metaphor about something hard... turned into something soft.... take wool and hot soapy water... pass between hands and the wool shrinks to hug the rock. Use any color wool!
Check out my other work at https://www.facebook.com/David.M.Meyers.LCSW/ or www.instagram.com, https://davidmeyerslcsw.com
#childtherapy #playtherapist #creativetherapist #creativetherapy#designthinking #diy #expressiveartstherapy #expressivetherapy#inspiredtherapy #kidtherapy #learningthroughplay #maker#makercommunity #makerkids #arttherapist #arttherapy#childrenstherapy #makerlife #makermovement #makersgonnamake#makerspace #makerspacemovement #psychotherapy #therapeuticart#therapy #therapyforchildren #tinker #tinkering #makertherapist#makertherapy @ David M Meyers, LCSW